
Just a vent or two


What a day.

I ran a tank of gas out and got absolutely nothing done. My sincerest thanks to all the fucking retards out driving today. I'd also like to thank the geniuses that designed this city or maybe my thanks should go to the stoned college student who fucked up the maps for the city. I hate getting two miles down a road, especially when I'm in a hurry, and come face to face with a dead end that isn't shown anywhere on the map. The sad thing is the stoned fucker will probably eventually be a councilman or the governor.

Yeah, I'm terrified about growing older. With the last several generations proving their total incompetence and the newest generation not really instilling the least amount of confidence either, I'm of the positive opinion that people in my age group are totally fucked when we get to retirement age. Thank you all you priests and disciples of politically correctness. Thank you for taking away a parents ability to educate, discipline and control their children. Fucktards.

Why do women have to take the entire sidewalk when they're walking and why the hell do they move at half speed while doing so? Women make such a big deal out of being able to multitask yet they can't run their yaps and walk at the same time.

I don't ever want to hear about how men can't do more than one thing at a time ever again.

Why, do people slow down around a cop then they're doing the speed limit?

I'm runnin' 75 down 25 and all of a sudden, WHAM!!! traffic is down to 55 in a 75 zone. I think that maybe it's an accident or something but NOPE!!! it's just a cop sitting in the median or on the side of the road. Don't you fucking idiots realize that it's that kind of stupidity that causes traffic jams and accidents. Apparently not. The really screwed up thing is that they get mad at everyone around them for traffic being too slow or for everyone being all piled up together and it's no one's fault but their own.

I'm used to think that maybe making it so you have to have a license to have kids would weed out some of the idiots and retards in the world. After careful consideration of all the things we have to be licensed for, and somehow the idiots and retards still seem to be around in numbers, I have decided to give up on it. We're doomed. Might as well accept it. The meek aren't going to inherit the earth, they're going to overpopulate it with intellectually inferior, emotionally unstable morons and make the rest of us extinct by overmoronization.

Why is it so hard to put a sign on the sidewalk at say, the corners, announcing that due to construction the main entrance has been temporarily relocated and give directions to the new entrance location? Is there some sadistic conspiracy to make people have to purposefully walk 10 minutes out of their way, especially when they are in a hurry? I'm beginning to have my old feelings that it's the cosmic magnifying glass on the earth ant-hill thing again.

There's a saying and a song about walking on the sunny side of the street, sadly, that's no longer possible. The 12 foot morons have gotten so thick that they block out any hope of sunlight for the short genius's of the world. On the lighter side, at least the lack of sunlight has helped control the weeds in the sidewalk and trust me that it's nice to walk into some place without seeds all over your pant legs. lol

If all whites supposedly hate blacks and all blacks supposedly hate whites then why do whites love to wear black and blacks love to wear white? If a black person and a white person has a kid, why doesn't the kid wear gray or cream? While I'm on the subject, what the hell is up with the totally gaudy over colored outfits they wear? I mean, COME ON. The colors they wear are not only not absurd, they mix and match so bad that the Queer Eye guys wouldn't touch them with a ten foot pole. Oh, yeah; let's not forget the hair styles on the women. HELLO!!! I've seen more black women in one day who look like the top, sides and front of their heads have exploded than there are suicide bombers in a month in Iraq. The really retarded thing is that the smaller the nubian princess, the more ridiculous the hairdoo. And the hairdoos on the heftier ones are directly proportionate to their moo moo size.

I know it's wrong to make fun of them but dammit, i'm fighting the PC Nazis to keep humor alive. If the PC fanatics had their way, the only humor we'd have would be knock knock jokes and i'm pretty sure that after a while they'd find a way to deduce that the fruit or chicken's feelings are being violated and outlaw knock knock jokes as well. I don't want to live in that society where friendly social ridicule, tasteful ethnic jokes and good old fashioned blonde jokes no longer exist. Like it or not, crude humor, vulgar jokes about body parts and processes and ridicule of anothers inferiorities are apart of what made this country great. You'll pry humor from my cold dead hands you bunch of PC freaks.

Who the hell are these local dating commercial people fooling. They need to show the real freaks and ice cream bandits who would call a dating service instead of the hotties in barely nothing outfits or covered in bubbles in a bath. Like those women have any problems getting a date. They could go to the most expensive club in town and be absolutely blitzed without ever spending a dime of their own money. Those dating service ads are total posters for false advertising.

Anyway, those are some of my thoughts for today.



2005 Cranial Clearinghouse

Welcome to the 2006.

It is my hope that we will not repeat the things this year that befell us in the last.

    With so much going on in the world, it behooves us to make drastic changes to protect our society, strengthen our community & improve our future; not just for ourselves but for our descendants as well.

    It is forward thinking that our government wants our nation to be apart of the “Global Community” however, we should concentrate on our own national and local community first. We need to limit our involvement around the globe, not to become isolationist but to force other nations to grow up & solve their own problems. If the rest of the globe wants to act like a bunch of spoiled brats with emotional problems then they need to be treated as such. America & the world needs’ a healthy dose of tough love & dedicated guidance. We as a nation have done this world more of a disservice by making it do things it doesn’t understand & many times isn’t ready to understand as well as throwing money at problems that would be much better served by teaching the affected people how to deal with them. Instead of just doing things for other countries, that they really are able to do themselves but refuse to believe so, we need to take off the kid gloves & educate them to the responsibility to their people, the peoples’ responsibility to themselves & the nations’ responsibility to the rest of the world as members of the “Global Community”. Our responsibility is to set our own country right before forcing democracy, financial maturity, civil & human rights & peace on everyone else.

    This year this nation should concentrate on relinquishing its differences between each other & celebrating that which makes us all the same. We are, in actuality, one nation, one people & one voice. Unfortunately, everyone is so busy being an individual that even during the holiday explicitly associated with love, family, caring & giving, people are more concerned about themselves that they forget about the people whom aren’t getting anything but another breath & maybe a meal. Some people didn’t even get that. I’m not talking about refugees from other countries or displaced people because of natural disasters; but the people whom have lost their entire lives & are forced to live on the streets, under bridges or in parks because of illness, or mental disease or “un-marketability” in the work place to even being unemployable because of illegal alien over saturation in the workforce & corporate scandal &/or layoffs due to downsizing. While most people were enjoying a nice hot meal in some fancy restaurant or at their dinner table, 1000’s of thousands of “lucky” Americans were getting their dinner from homeless shelters & soup kitchens while 10’s of thousands of “unlucky” Americans were getting their dinner from garbage dumpsters & other potentially deadly sources. When will these atrocities stop?
    It will stop when homelessness, starvation of American men, women & children & poverty are elevated from a mere national problem to a serious & deadly epidemic that threatens our national security & way of life more so than any threat levied by foreign nationals proclaiming our embodiment as “The Great Satan”.
    In reality, while I don’t personally believe in such things (I’m a non supporter of organized religion, as a few of you already know), we are exactly what they describe. What proud country would allow its citizens to endure such a fate as we do? What country would proclaim such moral superiority & love & then stand by as hundreds of its citizens every day die from disease, starvation & neglect as we do? What country, that proclaims to be a supporter of human life, places more emphasis on circumventing nature’s order by developing more & more overly expensive drugs, that only the rich can afford, to keep people alive longer than they are destined to be as well as lobbies legislation, on religious grounds against the principles of it’s constitution for separation of church state, to regulate the rights of unborn children then ignores the precious lives of its citizens fighting for survival every day? The answer to all of these questions is that ours does. We ignore their plight in our constant & selfish pursuit of more & more excess that doesn’t do anything to improve our happiness & humanity as it does to falsely & narcissistically enhance our own self image & perception of worth.

This year this nation’s citizens should concentrate more on being proud of being a part of something that the entire world envies rather than causing religious, racist & political strife by fighting about which of them is better than the other. Like it or not, we are all equal. A great many people disagree with this but it is an irrefutable truth. Anyone who feels that they aren’t equal isn’t trying hard enough. My personal buttons for exasperation & anger happen to be the hyphenated Americans and “victimized or ‘inferior” women.

Let me explain these issues in separate detail.


Hyphenated Americans are those people who have so little respect for the privilege of  their citizenship that they feel they must augment their self worth by adding to the descriptions of themselves, for example (insert religion, nationality or sexual preference of choice)-Americans. Why is it so necessary for them to differentiate themselves so? If it’s so important to be that different then my description would read: Slightly off-white, heterosexual, southern redneck, unknown European, circumcised, religiously unaffiliated, spiritual, un-degreed but college educated, multi-talented, mature-worker-American. A helluva way to show pride in ones’ citizenship, huh? I’m an American. I was born here & will be proud of that till the day my energy returns to the cosmos. I come from the south, & am proud of that heritage even though the south is one of the most racist & poorly educated areas in the world. I choose not to be racist or poorly educated. I’ve lived my 34 years learning about the small amount of cosmic knowledge that I do as well as about human nature & choose to see the world & people as they are & not how they wish to be seen. My understanding of the world around me & the people with whom I’ve interacted over the years has led to many an incorrect labeling of me as, among many other things, a dumb hick & racist. I’m neither of these (or the other) things & generally regard people who would think so as small minded & blind to the world around them. Whether people like it or not, we are all different. There is no universal label for each group of people or individual. Any given news cast shows that people are capable of anything regardless of their religion, age, sexual preference, color of skin, financial status or upbringing. Choosing to lump everyone into nice tidy categories, only leads to disaster. It gives a false sense of security about some people & an irrational & unreasonable fear of others. I choose to judge people on their actions rather than on which group or category they supposedly belong to.
I believe everyone should do the same. It is one of the reasons I enjoy living in Colorado. For the most part, people seem to be this way. Unfortunately, I am reminded why I moved out here when I hear people utter unfounded racist remarks. I’m reminded of it when I see preferential treatment of people whom have no foundation of desert of such & exclusion of equal treatment or services for others because they aren’t part of the or a preferred group.
Either a person is in need or they’re not. It’s really that simple. Need shouldn’t be based upon a gender, race, nationality or religious preference & should never be given, relegated or regulated to show preference for those that have little or no regard for the laws of this country, regardless of whether those peoples are citizens or not. In actuality, considering the rape of the finances, resources & trust of this country by illegals, I don’t believe that the freedoms, protections or privileges of this great land should be available to non-citizens except in the most extreme cases. The poor huddled masses that founded this country have turned into a mass of greedy, lazy con artists who want something for nothing. I know that it may seem harsh to say such things, but, like truth & love, sometimes the fairest thing is to be tough. It forces people to actually be in need & seek assistance only after they have exhausted all other means of taking care of themselves. It weeds out the lazy people who take advantage of the system & frees up funds & citizenship for people whom are truly in need & want it. To do otherwise cheapens & disrespects the sacrifice that was made & is still being made for this great land & dishonors the memory or our fallen friends, loved ones & soldiers as well as the dream of this country’s founders.


    I will give leave that women are still discriminated against on many fronts & in many areas, however, these transgressions of equality (not commonly known to be committed by as many women as men) are no excuse for the lackadaisical & blatantly lazy efforts of women (at least the one’s I’ve been exposed to in my travels) in asserting & taking full advantage of the freedoms, rights & opportunities available to them.

    Shut Up! Control your estrogen fueled emotional rage for a moment by closing your mouths & opening up your eyes & minds. Just for a moment think with your brains instead of your hormones. I’ve known, worked with & for some pretty successful women. Unfortunately, they were still as prejudicial & discriminating as any man. These women, for all their success, still felt the need to be vengeful & spiteful for whatever injustices they believe were done to them in the past & explicitly show themselves to be just as capable of all the faults they singularly attribute to men. So, pipe down.

    Anyway, I hear daily & have heard my entire life how “victimized & discriminated against” women are. In my experience, women who are like this, are for the most part, self perpetuating these things in an attempt to remain lazy. They use their “frailty” to sucker men into marriage & cushy lives where they usually wind up getting divorced because the guy just didn’t work out. By working out, they mean that they found out that they were actually expected to do some work around the house (because they refused to hold a job), have kids & provide love for their husband & children. Others meant it because they didn’t get enough money from their husbands to support their shopping habits or partying lifestyle or other unnecessary or irrational addictions. There’s a word for these kind of women – gold-diggers. I was engaged to one, so the hatred for these type of women that you feel from me is well founded.

    Nothing pisses me off more than to hear a woman talking about how she’s only working to be able to buy more things or to party more or something equally selfish rather than working to help her husband to take care of their family & home & provide for their future. Actually, that’s incorrect; several things about women piss me off more than that. Women who talk about dumping their boyfriends or husbands because they don’t spend enough time with them (yet don’t explain that it’s because their boyfriend or husband is working two jobs to support her & her “needs”). Women who dump their men because they aren’t hung like John Holmes. These women go on to explain that they need a tree trunk shoved inside them because their men supposedly don’t last long enough or know how to satisfy them. It has always bugged me that women, for all their intelligence, never realized that men aren’t born with the ability to read minds & it’s not something that’s taught in school or by our parents. Most men, admittedly because of the unfounded belief in their superiority, never take the time or have the opportunity to learn anything more about sex than how to satisfy themselves between times that they get to put their dicks into some girl or woman. Contrary to popular belief, there’s no manual for the male penis. In my opinion, if a woman wants an incredible lover, she needs to be woman enough to help him know what makes him an incredible lover for her. Otherwise the failure of the relationship rests as much on her as it does on him for not seeking out the knowledge of how to satisfy her or be a better lover. Admittedly, if he’s hung like a pencil eraser, there can be issues of her enjoyment; then again, I once worked with a woman who swore that her husband “got her off” just as well with his 3 inch (hard) penis as any larger lover she had previously had. There are plenty of drugs, tapes, dvd’s, seminars & workshops dedicated to improving a couples’ sex lives regardless of how tame or wild it may be so there’s no excuse for men not to have some skill & for women to be so stupid & selfish. Especially when they’re not giving all they could or should be to the relationship in the first place.

    Anyway, back on point. I see & hear all the time about how women are given assistance or preferential treatment because of their “inferiority”. Bullshit. If women are so weak, then how come they can become pro wrestlers, championship bodybuilders (my personal stomach turner), Indy racers, NHRA Drag Racers, loggers, coal miners, doctors, lawyers, carpenters, plumbers, pilots & many others as well as my personal favorite –Marines. Not a sissy occupation at all & not something a weak or “inferior” person would be able to achieve. It pisses me off that the majority of women use these perceptions to continue & suit their own selfish ends as well as perpetuate the feeling that they’re weak & inferior.

    I personally feel sad that I feel this way. I learned about love, loyalty, intimacy & sex with a woman whom I loved more than life itself. We were each others first & made & learned from our errors ourselves & together. Not from society or common knowledge or anything as retarded, wrong & backwards as that. It’s an experience that I have carried with me my whole life, into & unfortunately out of every relationship I’ve been in. For all women’s wishes to have the things they say they want, my experience has been that most of them are too closed minded, insecure & unprepared to handle what they want when they get it. I blame much of this on parental sheltering, societal stigmas towards sexually aware & confident women, as well as their own insecurities in being able to be comfortable with their desires & inability to be as vulnerable & intimate as they ask men to be. Oddly enough, women seem to have lost the ability to be “feminine”. I find that fact, disturbing, to say the least. I’ve loved a couple of women whom I’d have given my life for as well as unconditionally entrusted with my life & they were strong, clever, intelligent, emotionally secure, sexually confident, sexy, & ambitious as they were beautiful, vulnerable, demure, funny, loving, faithful, nurturing & all the other things that are what make females feminine. Ironically, when I hear women talk about being equal with me, their process of doing so generally winds up making them sound like men, act as evil as many men can & generally exhibit themselves in a manly manner, except they have to wear bras & can’t pee their name in the snow. At least most of them can’t. As always, there are exceptions. LOL

On the whole, the majorities of them discredit & dishonor the women whom came before & fought for the equality, rights, opportunities & freedoms that they currently don’t make full use of; or do make use of but in a negative & detrimental manner to all women (& ultimately all of humanity). This behavior makes it so ambitious women, whom would be powerful & positive forces for everyone (men & women alike), will find it increasingly more difficult, with every year & generation, to rise to their potential.

Yes, I know that I’m a heartless & evil male. I should be strung up & burned at the stake or castrated or something equally vile to my person. Thankfully, tho, I live in the United States of America &, as a citizen, am guaranteed my opinions. *Grin* It doesn’t make my opinions right, but it does make them legally protected. lol

For those of you not thoroughly incensed & offended, not in process of deleting me & wish to read more, so ends part one of my personal year (& actually more of my life) in review.

Oh Yeah, Thanks for sticking around. I like to know that I have intelligent readers even though I write for me & not for anyone else, fame or fortune.

