This is my page of Ponderance.
In it, nothing is taboo.
To view what is written here will take you beyond all measures of reasonable sanity. You must have an IQ of over a 100, preferably 115 and above and be sufficiently open-minded enough to actually utilize that IQ in an intelligent and adult fashion.
As with all of my other blogs, be forewarned that what you read herein may and probably will disturb you.
If you are skittish to being disturbed or having your warm fuzzy, cotton candy little world upset, then:
Since I know you're still reading, then allow me to hereby notify you that my blog content is dangerous to your perception of reality and the world around you. You are further hereby notified that it may also be dangerous to your gender, perception of your gender, your race, creed, color and most absolutely definitely dangerous to your perception of your misguided belief in an uncaring, non-existant personality of deital status (for you morons who'll surely continue on after much warning; that's your god -- or your dog if your lysdexic).
>>>>>>> If you need a preview of what I'm talking about, then here it is:
Fuck you. Fuck your mother. Fuck your dad. Fuck your god or dog (as previously allowed) & just in case you didn't understand, Fuck you again.
Does that make it clear enough that you might not want to continue on?
For the rest of you, once again, you've been warned.
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